
During the COVID-19 pandemic many professionals had to adapt the way in which they worked. Occupational Therapists were not exempt from this. The introduction of Telehealth meant that we were able to continue to assist the children and families that we work with, even when we were not able to be in the same room together.

Telehealth involves the use of telecommunication platforms or virtual consultations to deliver therapeutic services such as assessments, therapy sessions, parent consultations and feedback to educators. We make use of online platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet for consultations as they are deemed safe and secure by South African health industry norms. Other platforms used to supplement therapeutic services are WhatsApp, email, home programmes and telephone calls.

With COVID-19 restrictions being eased, the Occupational Therapists at Therapy Junction are once again able to administer hands-on therapy; however, telehealth is still a service that is being offered. A wonderful benefit of Telehealth is that it offers increased opportunity for therapist-parent and therapist-teacher collaborations. For this reason, parent consultations and feedback to educators are still being offered via Zoom and Google Meet. Telehealth therapeutic sessions are also being offered to children who are unable to attend therapy sessions at the practice.