
Occupational Therapists are trained specialists qualified to assess infants, toddlers, young children, and adolescents under the scope of paediatric practice.

At Therapy Junction, our assessment focuses on identifying the underlying vulnerabilities that may be impacting on a child’s independence, function, and performance in their environments and within their occupations. This includes both home and school contexts as well as investigations into play, learning, and activities of daily living. 

The assessment makes use of standardised tests that provide an age-appropriate comparison of performance and informal tasks and activities that provide insight into functional skills. This is done in close collaboration with caregivers such as parents, teachers, and other specialists involved in the child’s life. 

Although the reason for referral may be specific, our therapists ensure a holistic approach to assessment so that understanding into all the strengths and vulnerabilities of the child is gained.

A comprehensive assessment may investigate any and all of the following areas:

  • Sensory Integration
  • Fine motor (hand) skills
  • Social-emotional and Behavioural skills
  • Play
  • Executive functioning and learning skills
  • Postural and Gross motor skills
  • Perceptual motor skills
  • Independence and Daily living skills
  • School Readiness